Kosta Off Snow, Swedish Championship 2007

Europa Cup / Club Championship, SPHK Södra

Weee..... Siberian team # 1

Average speed of 27,75 kilometer pr. hour over the two heats
Distance 2 x 7,1 km (from gps)

Proud to present the 6 fastest siberians of the race:

(lead) Coldfeet Fox

  Petruschkas Spectra

Frost 'n' fun Heartbreaker   Coldfeet Alaska
Coldfeet Rocket   Frost 'n' fun HiJack

Father, sons, sister, aunts, uncle - all 6 dogs are close family
Point the dogs on the photo below  to see who is who


Point the dogs on the photo above to see who is who

Michaels first race in 4-dogs class

This race was important for Michael.
He had to 'qualify' for World Championship 2008.
And... so he did :-)

Only 1 sec from the fastest team in his class!

Michaels team was:

Jarviks Tana  Jarviks Takhini
Jarviks Amber  Frost 'n' fun Hitchhiker

Also family (son/aunts) to the 6 dogs, ex Amber.

See final/official
See also a list of all entrants, based on average speed, TOTAL

Swedish racerules will not allow a cart with 3-wheels to enter the 6-dogs Class,
so I had to compete out of the Championship.
The important thing for me was to be able to compare my team with other teams in competition.
- And be able to have our young dogs  tested in competition

Must say...
We are VERY satisfied !!

After this first, and only, off-snow-race, our training programme is back to basic
...building up more muscles and a better condition!
We feel pretty sure the dogs have what it takes.
it's now our responsibility to offer the right feeding, training and care.

Homepage of Kennel Ulvedalen... Homepage of Frost 'n' fun siberians...